Are Rhode Island Reds Cold Hardy? Best Hens for Winter?

Rhode Island Reds are known for their hardiness, adaptability, and prolific egg-laying abilities, making them a favorite among backyard chicken keepers. One question that often comes up about Rhode Island Reds is whether or not they are cold hardy.

In total, Rhode Island Reds are considered to be a cold hardy breed. They have a thick, heavy plumage that helps keep them warm in cold weather, and they are also known for being quite active and robust, which helps them generate body heat.

In this article, we will go through the origin of the Rhode Island Red, why they are a great choice for a cold environment, and how to assist your Rhode Island Reds in staying warm throughout winter. After that, we will discuss a breed that might not be so suitable for cold weather. Hmm, which breed will that be?

Where did Rhode Island Reds Come From?

Genetics play a significant role in a chicken’s egg-laying abilities, and Rhode Island Reds are no exception. This breed was developed in the United States, particularly in Rhode Island in the 1800s, by breeding a number of different chicken breeds together, including the Malay, the Cochin, and the Red Junglefowl. The goal was to create a breed of chicken that was hardy, productive, and could thrive in a range of environments. They succeeded!

As a result of this selective breeding, Rhode Island Reds have inherited a number of traits that make them excellent egg layers. For example, they have a strong and efficient reproductive system, which allows them to produce a large number of eggs over a relatively short period of time. They are also known for their hardiness and adaptability, which means they can thrive in a range of climates and environments. Rhode Island Reds are in fact a dual-purpose breed, which means they are bred both for their meat and for their eggs.

Are Rhode Island Reds Good for Cold Environments?

Rhode Island Reds are one of the best chickens for cold environments. They have a thick, heavy plumage that helps keep them warm in cold weather, and they are also known for being quite active and robust, which helps them generate body heat. In fact, Rhode Island Reds are known to continue laying eggs even in the winter months, when many other breeds slow down or stop laying altogether. I’ve raised Rhode Island Reds for about 20 years and have seen them do just fine in temperatures well below zero degrees Fahrenheit. Of the chicken breeds, while they may not be the absolute best choice, I’d say they are definitely in the top 5! If you would like to see who else made the list, check out the article I wrote about which breeds of chickens are best for cold environments!

How to Keep Rhode Island Reds Warm in Winter

There are quite a few ways you can keep your Rhode Island Reds warm in winter. I will not go into great detail here but instead will keep it a short list. If you’d like to see the full article on how to keep your chickens warm in winter, I’ve got you covered!

  1. Provide a Draft-Free Coop
  2. Use Deep Bedding
  3. Provide Roosts
  4. Use a Heat Lamp
  5. Prevent Frostbite
  6. Provide Plenty of Food and Water (Provide Suitable Feed for Winter, and break your water)
  7. Consider a Chicken Sweater (Yes Really!!)

Are Rhode Island Reds Good Layers?

In total, Rhode Island Reds are considered to be one of the most prolific egg-laying breeds, with the potential to lay up to 300 eggs per year. In fact, Rhode Island Reds can lay 5 to 7 eggs per week!

So besides being winter hardy, Rhode Island Reds will provide you with a huge amount of eggs all year around. In my opinion, Rhode Island Reds are one of the best breeds out there for your backyard poultry farms!

The wrong chicken breed for cold environments

Another one of my favorite chickens to raise, primarily due to the fact my grandpa raised these for many years is the White Leghorn. He considered them to be the best egg-laying chicken breed in existence. I have a whole article based on white leghorns and their ability to thrive in cold weather. Spoiler alert, they aren’t the ideal chicken for cold environments! However, my grandpa was correct about the egg-laying capabilities, check out the complete white leghorn guide article if you have time!

Rhode Island Red – Final Verdict

While no chicken breed is completely immune to the effects of cold weather, Rhode Island Reds are an excellent cold hardy breed that can thrive in colder climates and keep laying all the while! With a little extra care and attention, you can help ensure that your Rhode Island Reds stay healthy and happy all winter long.


Hi, my name is Hunter and I grew up raising farm animals in Central Arkansas. As a kid, I was in the 4H and raised hundreds of chickens. My Dad then got me into bottle-feeding calves and I was hooked! I truly love working with farm animals of all types.

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